- Student book ( with 25 lessons + 5 review lessons)
- Teacher Manual
- Pronunciation CD
- Instructional DVDs
- Flash cards
This product is recommended for grades 3rd and up.
The Latin Christiana 1 Complete Set is $98.90
How we used the product and what we thought:
When we first got the product, I immediately opened the teacher manual and the Student book. I wanted to look everything over and make sure this was going to be something we could easily do. Much to my surprise the teacher book was very easy to follow along in. I love how everything just flows in this book. It gives you everything you need to get through the lessons. One thing I really like is that each lesson in the teacher guide also come with a copy of your students student book pages with the answers. That way if you are even unsure of an answer it is right there in your teacher book. Another thing I really like are the test sheets and key in the back of the teacher book. If you are using this for more than one child you can make copies of these pages for each student. Or if you are using it for just one student ( like us) you can just have them do the test from this book. The answers are not on the same page. Another great thing is at the very back of the teacher manual is a Prayers and Songs Appendices. I have been able to follow along using this when Monster is doing this as well. I kind of feel like this has been a great tool for me as well since I have never learned Latin but using this I am able to pick up on what he is learning as well.
The Student Book for Monster starts off with an introduction for the student. One thing I really like is that the book opens up and lays flat. That way you are not trying to hold down one page while working on another. On the left side of each page is the lesson page. This page is used during the lessons to write down vocabulary meanings and such. It also gives you a Latin saying to practice. It does tell you that you can write down the vocabulary derivatives in the student book. We did notice there is not a whole lot of room for that so we started keeping a notebook with our words and their derivatives. I do think it would be nice if they have maybe a page in each area to write down the derivatives so that you are able to go back in your student book and look if you need too. The right side of the page in the student book is the exercises for that lesson. One page of exercise each day with a review the next is the perfect amount to Monster and I both. It does not give you too much.
( this is from the first lesson we did)
Another thing I noticed about the student book was in the back they have History questions. This goes along with Famous Men of Rome if you would like to add in the History to go along with your Language.
Monster also has in the back of his book the Prayers and Songs. This is great for him to be able to follow along in the book and see the words to each of them as he learns them. That way he can memorize the words and he will be able to eventually know them without having to look at them.
We also received the flashcard set. This is something I am strongly for. I love flashcards. They can be used in so many different ways to help children learn. I started off by taking them all apart and putting them together in groups by lessons. That way it would be easier for us to find and use them. We both really liked having the flashcards. We could use them for review of the words. I also randomly place them around and when he finds one he picks it up and says the word out loud. I then take the card and move it somewhere else for him to find later.
The instructional DVDs. I left these for last. The DVD set comes with 5 DVDs and the lessons are broken up onto them. For Monster the DVDs are the hardest part for him to get through. He says they are boring but I really think it is just dry. He likes to have lessons that are upbeat and fun. Colorful and entertaining. Catching. The DVDs are more like a teacher standing in a room teaching. That is not Monsters learning style at all. I am not saying the DVDs are bad, because I find them very helpful and the lessons are just the right amount of time. I think for a beginner it might be a little harder for them if they are not used to that type of teaching style.
Overall, I think this product is great and would recommend it for a foreign language if your student in interested.
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