- Family read aloud suggestions
- Fun arts and crafts
- Field trip suggestions
- Creative writing assignments
- Trivia questions
- Weather related experiments
- Recording and tracking weather data
- and so, so much more!
This is a once a week unit study. Most of the study can be done in one day, while the reading assignments and family read aloud can be done the rest of the week. You can also take the rest of the week to complete your core curriculum.
Each week is broken down into themes:
Week 1: Meteorology
Week 2: The Sun- Our Solar Powered Weather Engine
Week3: The Atmosphere- An Ocean of Air
Week 4: The Water Cycle
Week 5: Frozen Precipitation
Week 6: Clouds
Week 7: Extreme Weather
How we used the product and what we thought:
First, this curriculum says that it is no prep. However, I had to do prep work. Getting books from the library, finding all items needed to go with projects to me is prep work. I had to make sure each time we had everything we needed so that we would not be searching for items. A few times we even had to go to the store to get items we needed that we did not have on hand. So, to me, yes there is prep work involved!
Since Monster and I really haven't been doing much Science I thought this was great that we got to try out a unit study instead of our normal curriculum we used. After downloading and printing off each week. I started by reading through the studies and what we would be doing. Each study is pretty easy so this did not take long to review before we started. Like I said above, there was some prep work. Certain books I did not have needed to be picked up from the library.
Monster enjoyed making and keeping track of a weather journal. This was actually great for us because we have had a range of weather here in Texas lately! We also had several days where they said it was going to storm and instead turned into sunny days. We were able to use this and all the weather changes during this unit study!
Overall, I really liked using this unit study with Monster. I felt he was able to do the activities with no problems and he really liked using the unit study. This one was Science, so we were able to use it for just Science and Reading mostly. Monster found the reading suggestions to be great for his reading level as well.
Right now you can get the digital download for $17 or if you like to have a paperback copy you can order it for $21.95 here
There is also a sale right now on their bundles
You can find Homeschool Legacy on their social media accounts as well.
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You can find Homeschool Legacy on their social media accounts as well.
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