Monday, December 9, 2013

"Snow" play

I found this really neat idea over at 1+1+1=1 ( I really love her blog!!!). I thought even though she used it on her youngest that my Monster who is nearly seven would still like it. I wasn't 100% sure since Monster tends to not like things on his hands, but I wanted to try it. He did last about ten minutes before he decided he needed to wash his hands. I told him I would leave the activity out for the week if he wanted to explore it more. Right now I have a lid on it but like in her post I want to also let it dry out and try the vinegar with it. I think Monster might enjoy that a lot more. So the set up is really easy. This can really be used for most ages as long as they are not at that stage of putting things in their mouth,

You need a large enough box. I used a clear plastic one from the dollar store.
A can of shaving cream.
A box of baking soda.

Put all the can of shaving cream in the box, use the baking soda and mix it in the shaving cream. Then PLAY!!!! I think it would of been a little bit easier for Monster with a larger box, but this is what I had on hand.

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