Monday, December 16, 2013

"Ice" Skating in Dallas

Today we went on another field trip. I think that makes two for us so far this year! ( I haven't even posted pictures of the first one yet!) We decided to take the children to the Klyde Warren Park in Downtown Dallas. It is a neat little park they built on an overpass. For the holiday season they brought in an "ice" skating rink. You might be wondering why I have the quotation marks. Well, we live in Texas not New York. Our weather here is forever changing. I mean just last week we had an ice storm and then this week we are out in the 60 degree weather. See what I mean. So, you can imagine that an outdoor ice skating rink just might not work here. Well, instead of using ice, they used some kind of plastic that is super slick. We all still used ice skates, but it was way harder than regular ice skating! The children loved it though. We ended up skating for a bit, then headed over and played on the little playground. The children had a blast. We had lunch in downtown, then walked over to Neiman Marcus and the children played in their tunnels they have going through the windows! They LOVED it! I didn't get any pictures of that on my camera but I did on Instagram if you follow there. ( ). Here are some photos. (* you will only see photos of Monster, not of our friends due to safety and privacy)

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