Exploring with his magnifying glass.
Squirrels were EVERYWHERE!! They would run and get some acorns or some type of nuts, then they would run and put them somewhere, then run back and get more! There were at least 8 in just one small area of the park. We also saw some in the woods.
I guess I need to get my kid out more...lol.. he said " mommy look at this!" I said, " it's a bench...." He said, " Yeah, but look! It used to be blue and now the sun faded it and now it's not so blue anymore." Ok, I will give him the good observation!
Part of the path. Yeah it is Fall and its all green still. Our leaves go from green to brown... Wish we had some color like up North!
Some really neat roots we found.
Poor little creek is so dried up. Barely any water due to lack of rain.
So at this point we got off the trail and went into the woods. They had all the golf disks stands set up. You could tell they haven't been used in a really long time. It was neat being in the woods and exploring, but I felt so nervous being in there alone with Monster. The city is a decent city but as a parent you worry about things happening. As I write this it amazes me that I could be so worried. Back when I was a kid (not 6 though more like 12-14) we lived in an area with woods behind our apartment and I would spend hours playing in the woods with my friends. We never even worried about what could be out there. Now it worries me thinking about Monster playing in the woods with friends when he gets older and what could happen! I don't want him to be sheltered though. I told him Daddy can go with us next time and we can explore deeper in the woods. We stayed pretty close to the trail this time.
We thought this was neat. It looked like someone built a fort!
Back on the trail.
Exploring some yellow leaves that he called golden leaves! He brought four home to put in a book. He said he wanted to collect some leaves.
Feeling a tree that was knocked over.
Exploring a horse apple.
Such a beautiful day! Just wish we had some more Fall colors in our leaves.
Ok, wasn't quite sure what this was. It is soft and kind of looks like Wheat. It was attached to what looks like a small stick. We brought it home with us to explore more. We found a bigger piece too farther down that we collected!
He said it was so comfy!
Working on his Math.
These squirrels were awesome!
Reading to me.
Working on his Phonics.
Right before we left we went down to this pond. There were minnows in it and Monster stuck his fingers in to see if they would come to him. They actually swam around his fingers!
If you click the picture to make it larger you can actually see the minnows swimming around his fingers!
He had a blast. I have seen those telescopes that go in the water. Then you can look into the telescope and see whats under the water. I think he would really enjoy that so I may need to look into getting one! I found one at Fat Brain Toys

It is $27.95. It has pretty good reviews. I think Monster would find it fascinating to be able to look under water with it!
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