Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 10&11

You will see that I skipped day 9 and that is because that was on Friday which is our co-op day. Monster LOVES his co-op classes! We added one more class for him so now he is taking three classes instead of two and he likes them all! 

Day 10- We had a slightly easy day. Monster hasn't been feeling well. He has been very congested and then I started feeling bad too. So he did his Journal, Math and Phonics. That was all. We rested the rest of the day! 
Here he is doing his Math.

Working on his Phonics. 

Reading his Awanas book and working on his verses for the week! 

Day 11- We both feel much better. He is still congested but not as bad and my fever went away thankfully! This morning Monster woke me up and said " Mommy, if you don't feel good we don't have to worry about school today." I told him that was sweet but Mommy felt much better today. Not sure he was so excited about that. 
We started our day with Math. He is learning about the symbols for greater than and less than. He is working on addition as well. I like the Horizon curriculum because it reviews with them over the last worksheet then introduces the new stuff. He is doing very well with his Math so far and I hope this continues through the year! 

Working on his Math! 

Phonics. We introduced this curriculum this week.

His reader. He gets to read a story (short story) before every Phonics lesson. I love it because it ask

For Science today we began our reading about the Sun. He did his coloring activities today. 

And yes he changed shirts. Grandma stopped by with some new shoes and a new Halloween shirt and he was super excited to put it on! 

He did his Journal last. He has been taking way too long on this. I think he gets bored with it too fast. I am deciding whether or not to continue with the Journal. I have decided that instead of him just sitting down with his journal and writing we discuss the topic before he writes it. We talk about what he wants to say in his journal and I write it on the board. That way he can look at the board if he gets off track. He came up with everything on the white board. He does great with what he wants to write, it's just getting him to focus to write it all down! I am saving Journal time for the end of our lessons for now. 

Today was easy and he did really good. He did loose his Wii time for the day which he was not happy about but he kept getting off subject and was continuing to make up stories and songs while he should of been working. I gave him 3 chances and today he just didn't do so well with staying on task. We are working on this! 

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